Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Make Toner Ink Cartridges Last Longer

Laser printers are a boon to companies looking to save money on printing costs. Their relatively high upfront price might not indicate it, but big savings are in store since toner inks are considerably cheaper than their inkjet counterparts. Still, businesses buy several cartridges a year to keep up with their needs. Below are a few tips on maximizing each cartridge to ensure further savings:

In the rush to get that important report right in their boss's hands, many people print documents without previewing it for problems like typographical errors. Reprints are needed when formatting on the page does not translate properly to printouts. Give documents a close scrutiny first and use a word processor's preview function before hitting the print command.

Printers nowadays can produce stunning prints with vivid colors. Of course, this uses a lot of colored ink, which can be expensive. Unless absolutely necessary, only print documents using black ink as they are cheaper to buy. All printers also have an Econofast or Fast Draft setting that consumes less ink and is especially useful when printing something that is not yet final.


Vendors often give discounts to customers who buy multiple ink toner cartridges at once. This also prevents the possibility of the office running out of ink during inopportune times.


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